How to reduce the "Time for the first byte" on my website?


Given that's the case, the following code will give a TTFB of (network latency +) 2s:

<?php ob_start(); ?>
<!doctype html>
        <title>Slow to Load, Slow to finish</title>
        sleep(2); // Simulate slow processing
        echo "Body"

Whereas this will give you a TTFB of (network latency +) 0s:

<!doctype html>
        <title>Fast to load, Slow to finish</title>
        <?php ob_start(); ?>
            sleep(2); // Simulate slow processing
            echo "Body"

The time to load the whole page is the same in both cases - only where the delay is changes. If you are specifically focussed on reducing TTFB (why), that should give you enough information to investigate further.


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