Explain about Remote Object? What is end point in Remote Object?


Remote Object:  Remote Service automatically serializes and deserializes the data between Flex client and your server side language. As a result, you can directly call methods on your Java/.Net/ColdFusion/PHP etc… objects. This service connects to an AMF (Action Message Format) Gateway. AMF protocol transfers data in a binary format, so the data can be moved across the network more quickly.
endpoint: This property is used to identify the Java web project from your flex client project.
            Ex: http://localhost:8080/JavaTest/messagebroker/amf
•          http: this is a protocol used to communicate with webserver from client. http means “Hyper Text Transfer Protocol”
•          localhost: Host name of the machine where you have deployed your Java web project.
•          8080: Port number of the web server where you have deployed your Java project.
•          JavaTest: Context root of the web application to identify the web project uniquely.
•          Messagebroker/amf: this is the URL pattern of the servlet which we have defined in web.xml file.
•          <<protocol>>://<<hostname>>:<<port no>>/<<context root>>/<<URL Pattern>>

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