Java Objective Questions with Answers for written test exams 1

Question 1

What will be the result of an attempt to compile and run the following program?
class Box
int b,w;
void Box(int b,int w)
this.b = b;
this.w = w;
public class MyBox extends Box
System.out.println(b + \",\" + w);
static public void main(String args[])
MyBox box = new MyBox();

• A. Does not compile; main method is not declared correctly
• B. Prints 10,15
• C. Prints 0,0
• D. None of the above

Answers 1

• D
The program does not compile because there is no matching constructor in the base class
for the super(10,15) call from the subclass constructor. void Box(int b, int w) is
not a constructor, because a return type is given. If it had been a constructor, the variables w
and h would have been initialized to 10 and 15. The program would have compiled correctly
and printed 10,15. There is no error in the declaration of the main() method; static and
public can appear in any order.


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