Subclass Interview Questions And Answers

Subclass Interview Questions list for experienced

  1. Is dark chocolate beneficial to health?
  2. When was Wikipedia launched?
  3. Health care
  4. What is traditional treatment for diabetes in our country?
  6. James Web Telescope Explain?.
  7. What is electronic prescription?. Explain? about the electronic prescription.
  8. What the most important thing of omicron variant. we have to know?.
  9. What is the difference between bootstrap 4 and bootstrap 5.
  10. Explain JavaScript function with syntax.
  11. What is the Correct Way to Write if statement in Python

Subclass interview questions and answers on advance and basic Subclass with example so this page for both freshers and experienced condidate. Fill the form below we will send the all interview questions on Subclass also add your Questions if any you have to ask and for apply in Subclass Tutorials and Training course just send a mail on in detail about your self.

Top Subclass interview questions and answers for freshers and experienced

What is Subclass ?

Answer : A subclass is a class that derives or inherits from a parent (or super) class. Subclassing is used extensively in object-oriented programming (OOP).

Questions : 1 :: Is dark chocolate beneficial to health?

Dark chocolate are surprisingly very beneficial to our health. The reasons why they're considered amazing are: 1. Dark chocolates are very nutritious and consists iron, manganese and copper. 2....View answers

Questions : 2 :: When was Wikipedia launched?

Wikipedia, is a website that delivers the information related to anything that exists on web. It can be accessed from anywhere, remotely, without incurring any costs to use the service. It provides...View answers

Questions : 3 :: Health care

1) what is health care? Ans): health care is an responsibility of taking care treatment the people for decease and taking care about their health and make them cute 2) what is the major role in...View answers

Questions : 4 :: What is traditional treatment for diabetes in our country?

answer- Diabetes is a chronic disorder in which the body does not produce or use insulin effectively.It is not curable for most people ,but treatments include medication,lifestyle adjustments,and...View answers


QUESTION 37. Who is the father of Internet ? ANSWER 37.  The father of internet is Vint Cerf . He was basically codesigner of TCP and IP protocols and a internet architecture . But it doesn't...View answers

Questions : 6 :: James Web Telescope Explain?.

Nasa has sent the rocket to the space for new discoveries in universe. 25th december 2021 nasa launched james web telescope to the space, He gonna be give  more data from space respect to...View answers

Questions : 7 :: What is electronic prescription?. Explain? about the electronic prescription.

Electronic prescription is  the software to generate and transmit the data to help patient or pharmacy. It is tool to explain information about the medicine to help community of patient.  ...View answers

Questions : 8 :: What the most important thing of omicron variant. we have to know?.

Omicron is the variant of sars-cov-2. Before omicron existence delta variant affected more to human bieng. Omicron has more spreading power than delta variant so world helth organisaton say about the...View answers

Questions : 9 :: What is the difference between bootstrap 4 and bootstrap 5.

1.Grid System- In Bootstrap 4,there are 5 tier. In Bootstrap 5,there are 6 tiers. 2.Colors- Bootstrap 4 has limited colors. But in Bootstrap 5,extra colors have added. 3.Jquery- In Bootstrap 4, it...View answers

Questions : 10 :: Explain JavaScript function with syntax.

It is a block of code and is designed to perform a particular tasks. It is executed when "something" invokes it(calls it). It is defined with the function keywords,paranthesis(),and...View answers

Questions : 11 :: What is the Correct Way to Write if statement in Python

A Python if statement evaluates whether a condition is equal to true or false. The statement will execute a block of code if a specified condition is equal to true. Otherwise, the block of code...View answers
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