How to extract data from a SAP ABAP system?


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You have a number of options to do this.

If you are running SAP BW, there are many standard tools to help you do extractions and automate the processes.

Otherwise, you can write a simple ABAP program (type 1) to read data from tables and put it into a flat file.

Otherwise, you could write a remote-enabled function module (RFC) and call it using SAP's RFC library.

You could also wrap your RFC function with a web service and call it via SOAP/HTTP.

Lastly, if you have access to the database, you might even be able to write a script to extract the data you need.

A simple example of a program to extract something from a DB table:


data: lt_t001 type tableof t001.
data: ls_t001 type t001.
data: lv_filename type string value '/tmp/outfile.txt'.select*from t001 intotable dataset lv_filename for output in text mode encoding default.

loop at lt_t001 into ls_t001.
  transfer ls_t001-bukrs to lv_filename.
endloop.close dataset lv_filename.

This is really primitive, but you get the idea. It selects data from a DB table into an internal table (in memory) and writes it to a file called /tmp/outfile.txt on the server, from where you can pick it up. (You would have to alter the output to be in your required format).

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